Monday, June 27

4th of July Party at the Pool!!

Sunday, June 26

A lighting hit one of my trees last night

Literally it scarred the tree on more than 30 feet. I have never seen something like this before.

Monday, June 20

Friday Night Baseball - We need a huge crowd at Ste. Genevieve du Bois!

A message from Mike Lewis:

"Our 8th grade baseball team will be playing on Friday night up at Ste Gen. This will be their last game so as we have done for previous teams, the SGAC will be cooking up some burgers and dogs to help celebrate. All teams will be announced and Ernie Hays will be providing the music.

If you haven’t attended this in the past, it’s a fun time. Bring a cooler and come on up and watch some baseball.

Hope to see you there.

This is the last game that Charlie Luisetti will be coaching at Ste Gen. I think he would love nothing more than to have a huge crowd up there for this event. Charlie has done so much for this organization over the years, I hope you can make it to show our appreciation for all of his hard work. Tell your friends, neighbors and kids to come on up on Friday night – it will be a fun time.By the way, the game is at 6:00.Please help spread the word – I only have so many email addresses.


Mike Lewis"