Tuesday, December 22

Trot Thru the Woods 2009 - Newsletter

Ready, set, go! The newly formed Warson Woods Running Club took off with their first organized race. The “Trot Thru the Woods” was held November 28 and featured 5K run and a ½ mile walk. The event hosted 230 participants and 24 volunteers. Mustering community spirit with many local businesses’ support and sponsorship from the law firm of Behr, McCarter, and Potter, PC and Rohan Woods School, the run achieved its goal of encouraging youth exercise by including more than 50 young racers (under 12 years). In addition the “Trot Thru the Woods” was able to make a nice donation to “The BackStoppers”.

Below is a picture of WWRC President Ed Crites (left) and Vice President James Lambert (right) presenting BackStoppers Executive Director Col. Ronald Battelle with the check.

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