Tuesday, April 20

WWSC - It is clean-up time!

As we are gearing up for a fantastic new summer at the Pool, few things need to be done before hand to get the Pool ready for Opening Day on May 29th.

The Pool Board has set a Clean-Up Day to complete the To-Do-List. It is May 15th. If you think you can help, let me know. Here is a list of tasks in no particular order.

Pavillion Front:
trim roses> remove leaves and debris> trim trees> fill squirel holes> mulch> kill/pull weeds> clean up bike rack area/and prep for rock

new phone> pull up bathroom flooring> paint restrooms floors> clean fans> empty/organize/clean kitchen> rockBBQ Pit area> check sound system> asphalt/seal BBQ area

snake clogged drains> replace drain covers> kill/pull weeds> power wash deck> repaint diving board platform> clean furniture> replace umbrellas as needed> pot flowers

Parking lot:
ask city about seal/stripe > move 1 bike rack to the park side of parking lot> blow/clean/remove debris

Our beloved Pool Board President Dede Nigh wants you to know that there are drinks/food for those who stick around on the 15th to help.

Volunteers, please step forward... Thanks in advance.

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