Saturday, April 30

A great article about Ste Genevieve du Bois

For those who want to read an outside perspective of Ste Genevieve du Bois, click on the following LINK.

It is interesting to look at some of these pictures and wonder when was the last time we - parishioners - actually paid attention to some of these relics.

Friday, April 29

I know it is not Warson Woods but...

Did you wake up at 4 a.m to watch the Royal Wedding?

More pictures from Haiti

Beth Lenke who is a friend of Tina Dubuque sent me a few more pictures of Charles Dubuque most recent trip to Haiti. You can see the volunteers handing Ste. Genevieve du Bois Jerseys and Soccer Balls to the kids. How wonderful!

Pictures of Charles Dubuque who does so much with CRUDEM and they are (two) Warson Woods residents, Chaminade Jr. Charles Dubuque Jr. and Villa Senior Annie Basler, and Town and Country resident and Priory Jr. Brad Lenke.

Here is the all story:

Parishioner Patti Kennedy found many old Ste. Gen soccer jerseys that had been sitting around (perhaps in the athletic dept. store room?) for about 8 years. She laundered them and asked if they could be put to good use in Haiti. Charle Dubuques and his wife have strong connections to the CRUDEM foundation, which supports a hospital in Milot, Haiti that his father got running in the late 1980s. They make a trip there every year. Charles sent the jerseys to a nun in the village of Milot who stores items in her convent and distributes them to villagers as needed.

Here is a note from Charles' Wife Tina:

We found some of those jerseys from Ste. Gen while we were in Milot late Feb/early March on a mission trip, joined by parishioners Liz and Annie Basler. What's more unbelievable was when Annie opened the box of jerseys, which one should be on top was #10 -- the number she wore while playing CYC soccer for Ste. Gen.! What are the odds?

Anyway, some of them have been distributed. Soccer is pretty big in Haiti, and the village of Milot even has a soccer field that hosts games. In the picture I sent Paulette is one youngster wearing one of the Ste. Gen jerseys.

We have pictures of soccer balls my son collected at Chaminade and brought on our trip this year. We drove to small communities and handed out about 5 soccer balls to each. We have some great pictures of our teens playing soccer with the locals. It was a wonderful way to spend time with them. Although they speak mainly Creole and very little English, words are unnecessary when you toss out a soccer ball and children and adults alike filter out of homes and get in the game. Everyone was all smiles. We left the soccer balls and a pump in each little community for them to share. My son thought it would be a source of entertainment in an area that lacks electricity and even basic plumbing/running water. It was an incredible afternoon spent in the private world of these villages that none of us will ever forget. They are a joy-filled people, and you leave them with a sense that good things still abound in this world."

Thursday, April 28

Girls on the Run in need of Volunteers

I am a casual runner and I follow my friends of the Big River Running Company on Twitter. After reading one of their tweets, I decided to share it with you.

From the "Girls on the run" website:

"The New Balance Girls on the Run 5k will be on Sunday, May 15 and we will need over 300 volunteers to have a successful race. Our 5k is not like any other race in that we are celebrating girl power! Third-eighth grade girls in the program come together at the end of the 10-week season to run/walk 3.1 miles. They all have the same goal of completing a 5k and to continue moving forward in life. Help us celebrate the many girls from across the St. Louis Metropolitan area and their achievement by volunteering at this event!"

Here is the LINK if you are interested in volunteering.

Wednesday, April 27

Spring Mixer coming up at Ste. Genevieve this Friday!

The 7th and 8th grade spring mixer is this Friday night!

Please pass the attached flyer on to all your friends who have kids in other schools - even if your friend doesn't have a 7th or 8th grader, they can forward it to someone who does! Tickets can be purchased from a Ste. Gen. 7th or 8th grader, Mary Saranita or Paulette Kohlmeier in the parish office.

Warson Woods Swim Club - Swim Team Sign up!

Tuesday, April 19

Need help with Thursday's Mass

A message from Paulette

"Hi, everyone --- Fr. Dan and Msgr. Unger are in need of several people to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Last Supper on Thursday at 7:00pm. Is there anyone that might be willing to do this? Children are also welcome. If you would care to take part please just reply by email or call (966-3780). Thanks.

From Wikepedia:

In Roman Catholic Church, the ritual washing of feet is now associated with the Mass of the Lord's Supper, which celebrates in a special way the Last Supper of Jesus, before which he washed the feet of his twelve apostles.

Monday, April 18

Our local Brandon Janosky shines in Boston

It took my friend Brandon just about 3 hours to complete the Boston Marathon today. Props to Brandon...our WW. resident. Be sure to congratulate him when you run - so to speak - into him....

Friday, April 15

Ste. Genevieve du Bois & Haiti

Here is a wonderful story sent to me by Dede Nigh.

"This is a photo of a young Haitian boy wearing one of the Ste. Gen. donated soccer jerseys. Patti Kennedy found them, laundered them, and we shipped them to Milot, Haiti. Tina Dubuque, a parishioner, is the contact on this story."

Well done Ste. Gen!

I have been covering some of Charles Dubuque stories previously on this Blog. If you are new to the Blog and would like to know more about the efforts of Charles and his team , go ahead and type keywords Dubuque or Haiti on the search toolbar.

Wednesday, April 13

Warson Woods police report

Warson Woods police report

Broken rear window of a car parked in a driveway on Rampart??? Can you believe it?

The Real Estate Corner

From the most expensive to the least...

1110 Dunwoody Dr. $679,900

1501 North Woodlawn $549,000

526 Middleton Ct $525,000 - Price Reduced

527 Middleton Ct $470,000

1616 Forest View Dr. $429,900

441 Flanders $407,500 - Price Reduced

510 Middleton Ct $399,900

1480 Forest View Dr. $395,000 - Price Reduced

1021 North Dr. $359,000

800 Rampart $339,900

423 Gascony Way $307,500 - Price Reduced

1624 Beaucaire Dr. $289,900

1137 Dunwoody Dr $259,000 - Price Reduced

Tuesday, April 12

Great article about Warson Woods - Must read!

Welcome to Town & Style Magazine! And thank you for this terrific description of our neighborhood. LINK to the article

A message from Joe Gunn: Fish Fry's were a big success

I just wanted to thank and acknowledge those who helped with our fish fry’s this year. As you can see it takes a lot of work and effort. We could not continue having the fish fry’s with out your help and support. I would like to especially thank Charlie Luisetti and Ray Battocletti who have been instrumental in planning and putting the fish fry’s together since they began a few years ago. Once again thank you all! Joe (I apologize if I forgot anyone, if I forgot to acknowledge someone please let me know)

Fish Fry # 1 Fish Fry # 2

Prep Prep

Paul Lottes Tom Noonan Mary Pat Glauber Luis Lau Luis Lau Tom Fichter Patrick Glauber Bob Eilermann B. J. Thomas

Fryers Fryers

Ray Battocletti Ray Battocletti Mike Lewis Mike Andrews Randy Niederer Mark Wittich

Servers & Clean Up Servers & Clean Up

Dave Hagar Mick Doherty James Lambert Ed Crites Clark Morrison Jim Macke Jack Sturm Tom Sizemore Bill Reed Tom Reh Joe Parmelee Paul Michalski Don Nonnenkamp


Jerry Martin Ed Ewing

How I did it: Surviving a heart attack three days after giving birth

For those who missed this article from the Post Dispatch about our WW. Resident Sheila Stewart.

Parish Meeting coming up at Ste. Genevieve du Bois

Below is information regarding a Parish Meeting regarding an important new Initiative for the Archdiocese. Please consider attending. The purpose of this initiative is to guide and protect our families (who now have grade and high school children) through today's toxic culture by increasing our awareness of how technology and the transmission of pornography have devastating effects on our homes, families, and spiritual lives. God has entrusted His Church with the responsibility of teaching His children about the joy, beauty, and sanctity of human sexuality. But all around us there is the tragic misuse of sexuality which often leads to a coarseness of spirit at the very least. After attending our parish conference we will have a better understanding of how we proceed. The date and time: 7PM Wednesday April 13 Ste. Genevieve Gym.

Our parish conference for "As for Me and My House" will last about an hour with time for questions afterwards. Our presenters are Heather and Michael Vento. This is definitely worth your SUPPORT.