Tuesday, April 12

A message from Joe Gunn: Fish Fry's were a big success

I just wanted to thank and acknowledge those who helped with our fish fry’s this year. As you can see it takes a lot of work and effort. We could not continue having the fish fry’s with out your help and support. I would like to especially thank Charlie Luisetti and Ray Battocletti who have been instrumental in planning and putting the fish fry’s together since they began a few years ago. Once again thank you all! Joe (I apologize if I forgot anyone, if I forgot to acknowledge someone please let me know)

Fish Fry # 1 Fish Fry # 2

Prep Prep

Paul Lottes Tom Noonan Mary Pat Glauber Luis Lau Luis Lau Tom Fichter Patrick Glauber Bob Eilermann B. J. Thomas

Fryers Fryers

Ray Battocletti Ray Battocletti Mike Lewis Mike Andrews Randy Niederer Mark Wittich

Servers & Clean Up Servers & Clean Up

Dave Hagar Mick Doherty James Lambert Ed Crites Clark Morrison Jim Macke Jack Sturm Tom Sizemore Bill Reed Tom Reh Joe Parmelee Paul Michalski Don Nonnenkamp


Jerry Martin Ed Ewing

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