Monday, March 24

Must read! The fire of 1957

Thank you so much Dick Lodge for letting me share with  that story on the BLOG!!

My family moved into 16 Ridgeline in December 1949. I was 8 years old my sister had not yet been born. Warson Woods at the time went from Manchester Road to North Drive and from Ridgeline to Andrew. Everything between Andrew and Woodlawn was woods, except for Bennett, which was a gravel road leading to some greenhouses and a stable. Everything between North Drive and Warson Road was also woods. I was in the third grade and Hudson was 4-6 that year, so I had to go to Schall in Rock Hill. The following year, I started Hudson. In 1960 my grandparents died and my great-grandmother came to live with us, so my dad built the house at 847 Rampart. They lived in that house until 1980. " Dick Lodge

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