Wednesday, December 9

Why was my street named that way?

My friend Brian posted a comment on the Blog about a spelling mistake found on our Street Name - Bennett, spelled Bennette on a sign at the Corner of Manchester and Bennett. Here is his comment: Brian

Well, it gave me an idea to look for the origin of some of our streets around Warson Woods. It is quite fascinating when you start digging. Here are a few:

Manchester Ave:
Originally known as Fox Creek Road, this old state road was renamed Manchester early in the 19th century since it was the road to the St. Louis County town of that name. "Old Manchester Road," the original connecting link, is now Vandeventer. For a time in the late-19th century, "Old" and "New" Manchester Roads existed at the same time. The name Manchester, beacuse of its assocaition with Manchester, England, always suggested commercial and industrial prosperity to those who adopted it in America. (Central West End) (Oakland) (Shaw)

Clayton Road:
So named because it was a direct route from St. Louis to the farm of Ralph W. Clayton in St. Louis County during the 1860s. Part of his farm became the site of the county seat of Clayton in 1876. (Central West End) (Kingsbury) (Oakland)

Did not receive its first official name until 1821 when it was called North "C" Street. Five years later the city named it for the olive tree, the small evergreen native to the Mediterranean region. West of Eighteenth Street, it was called the Olive Street Plank Road during the 1850s. (Central West End) (Downtown) (Midtown)

A coined name combining the first three letters of Delaware and Maryland, those being the home states of the owners of two abutting tracts of land along the street. The section of Delmar between the wharf and Grand Boulevard was known as Morgan Street until it received its present name in 1933. The section west of Taylor in the Central West End was known as Olive Street or the Central Plank Road until 1881.

As for Bennett, Brian, it seems the name is derived from "Benedict" and like it means "blessed."

Source: Dr. Glen Holt and Thomas A. Pearson (1994)

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