Thursday, July 1

Is there a Rivalry East Side/West Side of Warson Woods for the 4th of July Parade?

Well, well.. As you all know, Sunday at 10 a.m, the 42nd "4Th of July Parade" will start in the Old Section of WW. To give you a quick preview, check my Post from 2009:

Last Year Parade

Now, I was told that another parade takes place in WW, west of Woodland at the same time!

Does it make sense?
Well, sometimes things don't make sense, do they?

Do we need 2 Parades in WW? Actually, the purpose of a community Parade is its proximity. It is nice to be able to decorate your children's bikes, strollers and wagons and then walk from your house to the Celebration. And if you live too far, it is hard to be motivated. I get that:

But yet, isn't the 4Th. supposed to be celebrated as a whole big happy Family? I am already hearing "east siders" calling the Parade west of Woodlawn: "The West Side Parade". Wow... Is there a Rivalry growing? Can Obama fix our problem?

On the other hand, a "west sider" told me that "We have Poney Rides in ours!". In your face "East Siders"! Darn! How would the East top that? I have an idea... let's run in front of the Bulls:

Sorry, I am getting carried away. Long life to both Parades, and regardless of the side you choose, see you all at the Pool at noon on Sunday for a great BBQ. Although, I will pick a table located on the EAST SIDE of the Pool, how about you?

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